5 Common Mistakes When Starting a Screen Printing Business

June 16th, 2020

Starting a screen printing business can be an exciting endeavor and can be lucrative if you do it right. There is a lot of competition in this industry, so taking the time to prepare and to avoid mistakes will give you the cutting edge you need to rise to the top. There are many mistakes that people make that cause them to struggle and even worse completely fail. Here are some of those mistakes. Avoid these mistakes and you will experience more success: 

1. Doing it all.

When you begin a business and attempt to sell everything, you can confuse consumers, plus you will find yourself overwhelmed. When you first start any business, including a screen printing business, it's best to specialize in one or two niche markets to focus on. This way you can become an expert in that area and master that market. There are many screen printing companies and it's easier to be competitive if you stand out by mastering a niche. 

2. Not knowing your target market.

If you don't know who your target market, you will waste lots of advertising dollars and time. Figure out what industries you want to focus on. It is adventure sports like snowboarders and skateboarders? Or is local kid sports teams like softball leagues? Or are you going to focus on churches or fundraising events? 

3. Not labeling your products.

Placing a tag on each product is great for self-promotion. Many t-shirts are given as gifts and people do look at tags to see where the shirt comes from, especially if they want to order more. Tags cost on average 6 cents each. You will certainly have a great ROI on this investment. 

4. Not having an online store.

More people prefer shopping online, especially during these days. Even those that don't purchase products online, they like to do their research online before shopping locally. Having an online store increases customer confidence and also allows shoppers to compare your products against your competitors. If you are not online, you will lose business to your competitors. As a shopVOX user, you can easily set up and online store.

5. Selling without social media.

Online presence is key to the success of many screen printers. Humans are wired to appreciate visual stimulation and to be connected to one another. These are some reasons that social media is so popular and businesses have so much success promoting on them. Make sure you set up social media accounts where you can show off your creative designs and also connect with consumers. This will help you have more success when opening up a screen-printing business. 

Starting a screen printing business can be a fun, lucrative business if done properly and is organized from the business. ShopVOX is here to help you.