4 Tips for Interviewing a New Hire for your Custom Shop

April 27th, 2016

Hiring the right team for your custom shop is vital for having a competitive edge in your industry. Hiring the perfect designer that fits in and can expand your image, the best project manager that can effectively lead your team and other staff members can seem challenging for sure! But, when you prepare and take the appropriate steps, you have a better chance at hiring the people that will complement and enhance your business. Here are some tips that can hopefully help you with the interview process:

  1. Homework, Yes Homework!  I know, I know, no one really enjoys homework. But, it is necessary if you want success. You expect your potential new hires to do homework on your company, right? They will research your company for sure. You should also research them. Thanks to the internet, we have various ways to learn about people. Check out their social profiles like LinkedIn, twitter and facebook. In addition, make sure you really go through their resume and study it - no simply glance through it. Plus, check to see whether they have interviewed with your company in the past.

  2. Know Your Why. Why are you hiring this person? What are they going to fulfill for your company? What roles will they play? What needs are suppose to meet? Really know inside and out why this person is being hired. Create questions about the whys. Also, be ready to explain your whys so those being interviewed know exactly what is to be expected of them. This why they can make a better decision whether they are a good fit for your company or not.

  3. Shhh....Listen. Really pay attention during the interview. Let them talk if they have something to say. Ask questions and really listen and let them finish. Watch their expressions, their movements, and so on. Be present and not wondering off somewhere else in your mind like being preoccupied about products that are due to be finished today. You learn so much by being present and paying close attention.

  4. Ask Character Questions. A person's character in addition to their experience and skills matters quite a bit. What's their work ethic? Why are they interested in this position? What would they have done differently in their career? What frustrates and motivates them? Where do they see themselves in five or ten years? Ask questions that teach you a bit about their mindset and character.

Try these 4 tips in addition to what you already know and see how your interview process can be more successful. Hire the best people for your custom shop and you will have a better chance at having a competitive edge over your competition.If your new hires and current employees are using shopVOX business management software, here are some tips to keep your information safe.