How to Attract Customers to Your Print Shop

November 9th, 2020

Attracting new customers will allow your business to stay open, pay your employees and to even expand. But, attracting customers is often a struggle for many print shops. These actionable suggestions will help you attract customers. 

Ask for Referrals

Current customers are one of the best sources for new customers. You have already gained their trust and they already know the quality of your products and customer service. Most customers don't refer unless they are asked. They are busy living their lives and working on their own projects. However, if you give them a nudge by asking them, they may refer a new customer or more. Suggestion: Add referral generating to the sales process. Always send follow-up emails to all customers to ensure they are satisfied. Ask for their feedback. After receiving positive feedback, send another email asking for a referral. 

Show up on the First Page of Google

Many people search online first when they are looking for a custom product. Most consumers don't look past page one of Google. Suggestion:  Read Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide to learn how they rate websites. Then, improve your website's SEO.  

Network, Network, Network

The more people you connect with, the better chance you have at getting new customers. The more people who know about your business, brand awareness grows.  With a pandemic, it is challenging to do in-person networking. Suggestion: Figure out what your target market is. Then, add your Facebook business page to Facebook groups where you can connect with that target market. Interact with valuable insights. People will get used to seeing your posts, your business name, and your logo. This builds trust and attracts new customers. 

Contact Old Customers

What businesses or customers have not used your services or order products in a while? Reconnect with them. Suggestion: Write out a list of those that have not done business with you. Then send out an email or a letter to those who you have not seen in a year. Send a "We miss you!" message or an update on your business. 

Get Reviews and Testimonies

When potential new customers read many positive reviews about your print shop trust is built. Take advantage of online platforms that publicly display reviews. Suggestion: After sending an invoice, follow up and ask them to review your products on Google or Facebook. 

Have a Social Media Presence

Having a presence on social media is one of the most cost-effective methods for getting more exposure for your business. When you use social media in effective ways, you can build relationships with your current customers and attract new customers. Suggestion: Figure out what social media sites that your target customers are using. Join those sites. Share valuable content and interact. 

Take action on these tips and start attracting more customers. Make sure that you use shopVOX's Sales Lead Management to organize and keep track of all sales leads.   

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