Organizing Your Contacts and Customers in shopVOX

April 17th, 2019

One business can have several departments and many contacts in each department that fulfill different tasks and needs. As a custom business, you most likely provide products and services for a variety of businesses and managing all their contacts can be a daunting task if your contacts are not well organized. Keeping these contacts well organized can greatly save time and frustration for all involved.

shopVOX allows you to organize your contacts so you can know who to contact based on your need. One way we do this is by sectioning into departments.

When you create a customer in your account, you can input what department they are in. For example, let's imagine your customer is Einstein School and your business creates custom products for the science classes, the football team and for the music department. Your contact person for each of these departments would be different, so it helps to organize them by department. Therefore, you would be contacting just the person you need instead of waiting on hold for transfer after transfer.

When filling out your contact form, you can include the department they are in. (See the screenshot of the form above.) Then, when you need to contact the proper person for a project, you can easily find them by that department. A little bit of organizing your contacts can do a lot to save you time.