Project Management Problems for Custom Banner and Signage Shops

March 5th, 2020

It would be refreshing if project management was smooth without any hiccups. However, the reality is that challenges can occur which can lead to frustrated employees and unhappy customers. Let's explore some project management challenges and how shopVOX can help:

1. Not having clear and defined roles.

When team members are unsure about their roles or are unaware of the full scope of their roles, confusion and less than stellar project performance can occur. Hold a meeting with employees to properly define and clearly explain roles for each project. Create custom roles in shopVOX and assign team members to their appropriate roles.

2. Impossible Deadlines.

There are many reasons that impossible deadlines occur. Too many tasks, saying yes to too many projects, not being able to say no to new business when already overbooked, failing to delegate, and making unrealistic promises just to get the order. Enjoy this video of a great example of an unrealistic promise made to get the deal:

Unfortunately, the majority of unfulfilled deadlines don't have a happy ending like this one above. The good news is you can become better at making more deadlines. In shopVOX, you can check the job board when scheduling the job and also check to see when machines and staff are available. Having this information available will allow you to properly schedule a project.

3. Poor Communication.

Lack of good communication can cause projects to be delayed or to have mistakes. In shopVOX, you can detail projects, assign tasks to employees, add notes to project, and keep track of all activities that happen on a project. This allows for fewer mistakes.

4. Inconsistent management techniques and tools.

When management techniques, styles, and tools are inconsistent, morale declines while imbalance and disorder tend to happen. Using the same management system keeps a shop consistent and the team on the same page.

When all employees that are working on a project have access to shopVOX, they are in the know of their appropriate areas of the project. Projects are better managed this way.

5. Not having the right tools.

Without the proper materials, printers, cutters, software, and management system, it's practically impossible for projects to complete correctly and in a timely manner. With shopVOX, you can successfully schedule the employee and the machines, check inventory, and manage all of the project's processes.

As a shopVOX user, you have the tools you need to ensure better project management. Use them and witness more satisfied employees and happy customers.

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"Featured image was designed by Lexington Signs and Graphics, Inc. This super cool design was entered into #VOXcontest.