Tips for Creating your Custom Business Facebook Page

August 9th, 2017

Do you realize that 1.09 billion people log into Facebook daily? That's a lot of people!!! It’s the most popular online social network even though new networks keep coming up. Making sure your custom business has a presence on Facebook shop management on facebookwill give your custom products and services the opportunity of more visibility. With this said, it’s important that you build your Facebook presence smartly. Here are some tips that will help you get started on Facebook for your business.

  1. Create a Business Page. It’s tempting to use your personal profile as a way to promote your business because you already have this profile and have many connections on it. But, if you do use your personal profile as a business profile, you are violating Facebook’s terms of service. So, to avoid being banned from Facebook, it’s important to create a Business Page. Also, a Business Page gives your business the online presence that can take your business to another level, if you learn how to use it properly. A Facebook Business Page can build your business’ reputation, allow you to engage with customers and potential customers, gives you the opportunity to show off what you offer and drive people to your website. Keep reading on for a few tips to start with.

  2. Create your Vanity URL.When you first create your Facebook Business Page, facebook will assign you a URL that may look something like this: But, instead you can have a Vanity URL that reads like ours: This makes it easier to share and easier to find. To create yours, visit Facebook Username

  3. Add a recognizable profile photo.Add a profile photo that people will easily recognize as your business. Usually your logo is recommended because that is how people know your brand. The size Facebook requires for your profile photo is 180 x 180 pixels. As you can see on our Facebook page, we use our logo that everyone recognizes. 

  4. Add an eye catching cover photo.Make sure your cover photo is attractive and something that represents your business. It’s the first thing people notice when they come to your facebook page. Before you even begin creating your cover photo, you should know the size requirement for it is 851 x 315 pixel cover photo. If it’s smaller or larger, it will not load properly.

  5. Create your about me section. This is often the first section that visitors will look at when coming to your Facebook Page. This gives you a chance to explain exactly what your company offers, as well as how to reach you. This section also helps you to be found via online searches. So choose your words carefully. 

These tips will help you get started with your business presence on Facebook. Make sure you come back next week as I will share more tips on how to actually use Facebook to get more fans of your custom products or services. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter for more business tips and to not miss an article that we share! 

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